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abouT us
Our mission is to assist businesses to discover the World Wide Web of today. We help our clients in creating customized, technologically advanced social media pages and websites, which fully meet our clients’ needs and take into account specifics of their businesses. We perform our services in a multi-language environment, creating content in English, German, Russian and Hebrew.
Let's get to know each other

Marina Polovets

"My name is Marina Polovets, I am a co-founder of M&I Networking. My key focus areas include: Creation of pages on social platforms; Social network consulting; Customization of social network pages; Administration and promotion of social network pages."
+972 54 219 50 55

Ivan Tishakov

"My name is Ivan Tishakov, I am co-founder of M&I Networking. My key focus areas include; Website design; Website consulting; Website development; Website administration. My main goal to is to bring the best possible experience to our clients."
+41 79 858 22 70

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